Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Friday, May 01, 2009

I'm not crazy, REALLY!

Okay...don't laugh but you know how I'm such a believer in signs. So, today while teachers were checking in their testing stuff, I was talking to some teachers who had asked me about my travel (my shower invites went into teachers boxes yesterday or the day before). So, I started explaining about the swine flu (or whatever the initials they are calling it) and how it might affect my travel but my agency has said that it shouldn't affect my TA (they are expecting it next week) and that if I wanted to travel, it's not recommended but they would support me if I wanted to go. I was also telling them of my paperwork dilemma (my I 600A expires July 15th) and my daughter will need medical attention very soon. Anyways, as I was explaining this I looked over at the teacher sitting across from me. I have to add that she was my 8th grade English teacher, so it makes this sign even better. She had on the biggest ladybug earrings that I have ever seen and I have never seen them on her before. I've always told God that if he was going to send me signs to send big huge ones so I would see them (sometimes I am so global that I miss the details). Anyways, I believe the ladybug is a sign that everything is going to go as planned...traveling last week in May or first week in June. All will be well. I really feel by the time we travel, everything will be back to semi-normal. I think there will be less media coverage and less panic. I'm also going to start a novena for all of us waiting for our A's that they won't be interrupted or affected. Yeah, and maybe I'll light a candle too.


Lola Granola said...

Did you manage not to be the crazy lady who called in a panic? I didn't! (I was reading that jsut as I clicked to comment and have to go back to see the end.)


Feeling better today, but wow, have I run the panic gamut.

I mean, it's been draining!
