Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Time keeps ticking away

Time has gone by fast. I can't believe that it has been two years since I started this process. There have been good days and bad days. This past weekend was a rough one for me. I had to go to my cousin's baby welcome home party. I spent Sunday morning in tears. I'm so sad and frustrated that I started my journey way before she did and here she is now, holding her son. I'm still waiting to hold my daughter. I know that sounds petty but that was how I was feeling. Then I started thinking about how big of a baby I'm being and that some of my fellow waiting famiies have been waiting longer and grieving more because of infertility. How selfish am I? So, I got myself together and went. It was hard, but I went. We all have our good days and our bad days. This was my bad weekend. For all of you waiting, my thoughts and prayers are with all of us that we will have the strength and patience we need to make the wait.